Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

5 food tips that will improve your health and change your life

5 food tips that will improve your health and change your life

Getting healthy, losing weight and all that jazz isn’t the easiest thing to do, but it doesn’t have to be the hardest, either. These food tips are fundamental to getting well, and doing them consistently will definitely change your life.

I’m not a nutritionist, dietician or doctor of any kind. 

I’m just a gal who loves to eat well, explore food and design meals to help others improve their health and achieve their goals 

I don’t subscribe to trendy diets or a one-size-fits all approach. I am not fanatical about anything. 

Each and every one of us is different, not just in our physical body but in our relationship with food and diet, starting points, culture and more. 

That said, I believe there are certain food habits that are generally helpful (and when I say “helpful” I totally mean best) for achieving both weight loss and optimal health 

In fact, I call them “the fundamentals” because they’re so effective that, if you adhere to them, they’ll probably change your life. 

And I’m sharing them here, right now, with you.

You’re welcome.

Make vegetables the center of your universe

When it comes to how to eat optimal health and weight loss/maintenance, be sure that at least half of your plate (or cup!) is vegetables. They are the most nutrient-dense and fiber-rich of the food groups. This habit will improve just about every aspect of your health from lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of chronic disease, to improving digestion and keeping your appetite in check. 

Go whole or go home

And by that I mean, eat mostly whole foods. That means fruits, vegetables, unrefined grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and avoiding (or drastically reducing) meat, dairy, processed faux meats, refined sugars, refined flours, processed oils, etc. One of the greatest benefits of eating this way (and there are many) is the abundance of fiber in these foods; it keeps you full and satiated so that you’re snacking and overeating less , and it promotes movement and elimination of waste from the body - both crucial for treating and preventing disease, as well as weight loss and maintenance. 

Ditch sugar

While you’re it, ditch sugar. It’s toxic, addictive, and terrible for your health in every conceivable way. And when it comes to weight loss, studies repeatedly show that a diet that’s high in sugar leads to weight gain because it’s an unnecessary source of calories with zero nutritional value. While we’re talking about weight loss, let’s talk unrefined sugars for a moment (think: fruits, maple syrup, honey, etc.).

Favor warm over cold foods

Stews, soups, cooked fruits, warm salads and bowls, room temperature water, etc. promote healthy digestion and elimination (and therefore removal of toxins and weight). Eating too many cold, raw foods (think salads) can have the opposite effect and may result in bloat, poor digestion, and retention of food and water. A healthy digestive system is fundamental to disease prevention and feeling light and good.

Drink Up

Water is the best superfood there is. It’s free and does unbelievable things to aid and promote good health throughout the body. It lubricate joints, boosts, energy, delivers important nutrients to our cells, reduces the burden on our liver and kidneys by flushing out toxins, and more. It’s also incredible for facilitating weight loss. From regulating your appetite and boosting metabolism, to eliminating waste and burning fat - all of it will get you results on the scale. Here’s how I hit my water quota daily: start the day with a glass (before coffee), sip on it between and right before meals (instead of snacking), and enjoy a glass or two throughout the evening. Not every day is perfect, but that’s the formula you’re striving for. 

Enjoy these food tips for optimal health and weight loss ?

Then be sure to sign up for my newsletter here, and get my Fundamentals For Weight Loss guide FOR FREE, along with the cleanest plant-forward recipes other health and wellness tidbits and insights delivered to your inbox every Sunday!

Easy and delicious: Honey lime roasted golden beets

Easy and delicious: Honey lime roasted golden beets

Confetti bowl with snap peas, radish, spinach, quinoa tossed in a minty citrus dressing

Confetti bowl with snap peas, radish, spinach, quinoa tossed in a minty citrus dressing