Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Goals are important, but habits matter more. Especially when it comes to anything health-related. Here's why.

Goals are important, but habits matter more. Especially when it comes to anything health-related. Here's why.

Goal-setting is an important exercise, especially if you’re hoping to change or achieve anything health-related.

But focusing on the goal only gets you so far. 

That may be why so few people achieve what they set out to do (statistics show that of the 20% of people who set goals, roughly 70% fail to achieve them). 

I meet with or speak to individuals looking to make dietary changes to resolve health issues or achieve specific goals every day. 

They want to change their diet.

They want to lose weight. 

They want clear skin. 

They want meal plans. 

They want to be self-motivated.

They want answers.

They want a cure all for their problems.

 And they’re almost always disappointed by what I have to say to them - 

Focus less on the goal, and more on the habits you need to cultivate to become the person you need to be to achieve your goal. 

In other words, get ready to work. 

Be prepared to do difficult things every day - at least in the beginning. With a bit of consistency, in a shorter amount of time than you think, here’s what will happen:

What felt hard becomes easier and is now seen as self-care, you will gain momentum, results will start to surface and you will never look back. 

Simple things like ….

Eating out less, and cooking at home more. 

Incorporating 1-2 new healthy recipes into your repertoire each week.

Immersing yourself in grocery shopping and whole foods, by planning in advance, eating in season, and steering clear of junk food aisles. 

Making sure healthy food is easy to access at home by prepping your vegetables and batch cooking grains soups and stews to last a few days. 

Planning your meals every day, so you’re never unprepared when hunger strikes.  

Getting family and friends on board, because a support system is everything when you’re trying to improve your health and life. 

All of these things are simple habits that will bring your goals to life. 

The goal, whatever it is, inspires the work. 

The work is in the habits, and that is what you need to spend the most time thinking about and putting your energy into. 

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Spicy peanut tofu and kelp noodle curry

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